Thursday 23 August 2018


Whenever someone wants to see how he is looking, he goes in front of a mirror and updates himself. Similarly do we have something that reflects our inner image?

By inner image we mean someone’s feelings or mental state. We believe it or not but the universe follows a simple rule of repeating chain. Science defines it as the famous law of conservation. It simply states that energy cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed from one form to another. A similar kind of concept drives our lives.

Have you ever wondered what feelings are? And what is their effect on us.

Wonder why most of the time when we feel right about something it happens to be one. Or in a similar way when we feel something as wrong it is most of the times.

This wonder of nature made us to arrive at the replica law. If we observe carefully what actually we see around us is just the reflection of what we actually are from inside. If we try to understand this with an example, we make friends and stay away from some people what actually this shows your coincidence of thoughts with some people is more as compared to others. This concludes that what we think is an important factor in defining our choice in people. Similar kind of other observations can be made as whenever our body lacks some kind of nutrient, our interest towards the food which provides that nutrient changes if we normally do not like it. The reverse is what we normally see. For example our interest will slowly die for a particular food if we eat it continuously for a while.

The replica law can help us to keep more control on our life. If somehow we learn to control our inner self we will be in more control outside. A similar kind of thing is felt in meditation. Meditation provides inner peace that helps us to keep our calm while handling other things.

The inner control can be achieved with disciplined life. Some changes in our daily habits prove to be very useful. Some of them are

Proper diet:

As the time passed human being achieved a lot in many fields. But what they have lost are very basic things that actually the race was started for like the food habits that modern generation follow. Proper diet is not that satisfies our tongue. It is something which provides us proper energy with less efforts and not neglecting the need of the body. If we plan our diet according to our body requirement then the internal functioning of the body gets improved and that provides a scope for healthy mindset and ultimately benefits the outer world.

Physical exercise:

Being physical active helps a person not only health wise but also improves our interpersonal skills. This is actually an important aspect which is easily missed out. The benefits of physical exercise on human body are already proven so not much to be discussed.


Apart from physical exercise it is important to do some kind of mental exercise. The purpose is achieved by any kind of meditation. As already discussed meditation provides more internal control and ultimately on the outer world.

These are few things that can do most of the work. More such things may include involvement in some kind of creative works like music or art and craft.

Transformation starts within.

Being in control is something everyone should try to get an improved human being.